FAOI 2019 in Makuhari - Tweets translation

Summary post for major translation tweets translation I've done.
You can also go to Lae's (@axelsandwich on twitter) or BlueFlame for Yuzu (@BlueFlame4YUZU on twitter) for more tweets translation.

“Hanyu-kun gave me (the flower) not breaking eye contact. Then he bowed and said “Thank you”. Since the beginning of the rehearsal he greeted everyone who came to watch the properly. Such a well-mannered person.”

Summary from Toshl's stream: Masquerade was choreographed by choreographer with knee injury (Jeff?), so Yuzu practiced using vid. The program is a joint creation btw Yuzu and choreographer, with much contribution from Yuzu, gauntlet throwing is his idea. He listened to Toshl's songs and he picked out 3 favs."Especially Hoshinozora, since he's from Sendai". Yuzu sympathizes and understands Toshl's life via his songs. Toshl listens to many things told by David, and he seems like a very nice and interesting person, according to OP. Yuzu likes "Hoshizora no Neptune" since he is emotionally attached to starry sky (me crying), but due to his stamina, they only picked the other 2 songs T.T. Also Toshl keeps calling Yuzu "Yuzu, Yuzu" cute!

Toshl updated his Ameblo with photos of Faoi's menu and food for the cast, which looks delicious! He also posted a photo of him showing Yuzu the Pooh tshirt and Yuzu complimented him that it was cute, so he was very happy!

OP said just after the earthquake, Yuzu came out to check. Since she sat quite close to that place, she didn't know if she imagined it, but Yuzu noticed her nervousness, and mouthed "it's ok". Such a gentleman :)